Thursday, June 18, 2009

my quote

the biggest mistake a woman makes is to think that she is the only one... the biggest mistake a man makes is not knowing he is


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am quite intrigued by this post so i have come back - please do explain.Assumption and Ignorance are big mistakes but surely women and men are capable of bigger blunder ??!!
    Great posts on Cambodia, keep it up :)

  3. Well it was just an observation on relationships...not a generic statement on all aspects.

  4. :) then one can only hope there is more to relationships/life than this ... hope the relationship has enough strength to go through realisation and mistakes no longer necessarily remain as mistakes. wishfull thinking - it just reminds me of fairytales and seals.

  5. Ahhhh.......sounds like a requiem for unreqiutted love....? Sigh...
